A turn at the wheel (Credit: Lebensministerium, Kern)
An executive look at the sampler (Credit: Lebensministerium, Kern)
Minister Pröll and the Argus (Credit: Lebensministerium, Kern)
Pröll and Weller on deck (Credit: Lebensministerium, Kern)
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Minister Pröll at press conference (Credit: Lebensministerium, Kern)
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Journalists ready for Danube tour

Vienna press conference Aug.20Vienna press conference Aug.20

The following photos are available for use by the media regarding the JDS2 press conference and event in Vienna, Austria on August 20. For full-size photos, click onto the image.

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  • On September 11, 2008, the final results of the JDS2 expedition were publicly presented during a press conference at the `World Water Congress and Exhibition´ in Vienna, Austria.

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