Jozsef Szekeres
What did you study, when, where and most importantly: why?
I studied biology and environmental sciences in the University of Eötvös Lóránd at Budapest. I joined to the Hydrobiological Working Group of VITUKI as a diploma worker receiving a lot of field experiences mostly connected to the River Danube. I was always involved in the research and monitoring that is compliant with the EU Water Framework Directive. My central interest was always bound to the freshwater life.
What will your role be on board of the JDS3 ships?
I am the Core Team Member of the macroinvertebrate expert group dealing with the cross sectional and deep water sampling along the entire length of the Danube. There are a lot of work-phases to do on board and I am responsible for collecting all necessary data together to the sampling protocol (i.e. GPS coordinates, water depth data, bottom material characteristics, photo documentation).
Why is this important? What can we learn?
To have knowledge about the real deep water region is inevitably important in case of all large rivers. This detailed deep water sampling is a new method of the Joint Danube Survey indicating that continuous methodological development is necessary in the large river research around the world. Our working group developed a similar technique for deep water fishing that is an essential part of the JDS3 mission, as well. On the longer time scale these data (i.e. macroinvertebrate, fish) will have the base of the more comprehensive knowledge how Danubian assemblages are functioning.
What is an important gain from JDS3 specifically for your country of origin?
I am working in the Danube Research Institute where is is expected that young research fellows are actively involved in the intensive Danube investigations and, subsequently, in publishing of their results. Danube River is the most important river not only of Hungary but of an entire European region. To achieve the goals of the Danube Region Strategy it is elementary important to take part of such kind of international research activities.
What are you looking forward to regarding the JDS3?
My JDS core team member friends who were former participants of JDS1 and 2 always told me: I must see the whole Danube because this is the only way to understand what a magnificent river we all have.
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